We at Bel Air Sports Cards have some exciting news for everyone! We have officially launched our own Buying and Selling Online Community and Marketplace! You can find the marketplace on the district app or directly here
This will give you an opportunity to experience the Bel Air Sports Card Shop online when you can't make it into the shop! We will have tons of singles from all sports and of course Pokemon available for you to buy!
There is also a community aspect of this marketplace! This will give you a place to talk about sports and sports cards! It will also help you connect with other people and search for cards you are looking for.
There will be buy it now cards for sale, auction cards for sale, and eventually Live sales! We will also eventually be accepting applications for you to be able to sell your cards as well on the marketplace!
If you have never made a purchase before on district you can use the coupon code "BELAIR" when checking out for $5 off your first purchase over $10! Feel free to browse the community chat rooms as well as the marketplace. Ask any questions and Tyler or Tim will be able to help you out!
We are Very excited for this next chapter in Bel Air Sports Cards! Thank you for coming along for the ride!